
eBook: Metrics for Project Control - The atomic watermelon!

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Eduardo Militão Elias
É formado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela PUC de Campinas e tem pós-MBA em Gerenciamento Avançado de Projetos pela FGV. É CEO da Iben Engenharia, entusiasta de inovação na gestão de projetos imobiliários e engenharia, empreendedor em soluções de gerenciamento de projetos, palestrante em eventos do PMI e autor dos livros "Controle de projetos com métricas – não deixe que seu projeto vire uma melancia atômica!" (2014) e "Real Estate 3.0 – As boas práticas de gestão do PMI e outros segredos e estratégias da Cyrela, Mauá Capital e MRV para a gestão de negócios imobiliários" (2017).

A watermelon seems green on the outside but it is red on the inside. As well as in reports, there are some indicators that are presented as if they were green due to flaws made in metrics calculation or wrong calculation function. As a result, Project Monitoring is damaged and Control is not activated to solve a problem, but, way more than a problem, a red light means a cry for help, it means a monitoring alert sent so a control action can be taken. Such a logic sequence in first of all monitoring and controlling items is not always followed and among other issues, traffic light indicators are commonly applied without the need of a precision measure. These are the atomic watermelons in projects and this book is an invitation for us to think about the way the current processing structuring organization is made in the PMBOK® Guide. We propose changes in it. You will learn about metrics and its meanings through a mix of equations and practical examples that may assist in enabling a reliable monitoring system besides a free projects´ control when atomic watermelons come up.

Comprimento 0
E-ISBN 9788574526737
Edição 1
Idioma Inglês
Lançamento 25/02/2014
Largura 0
Lombada 0
Outros formato: ePub
Páginas 128
Ano 2014

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Etiquetas: Metrics, for, Project, Control, The, atomic, watermelon