
eBook: Circular Economy

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Aline Tavares

Bioprocess Engineer from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Master’s in Chemical and Biochemical Process Technology/UFRJ. Vice Coordinator of the Extension Project “Catalysing the Circular Economy” at the School of Chemistry/UFRJ. PhD student at the Centre for Industrial and Technological Studies (NEITEC)/UFRJ by the Chemical and Biochemical Process Engineering Program/UFRJ, in the area of Management and Technological Innovation and with a focus on Circular Economy and its business models.


Suzana Borschiver

Chemical Engineer with a Degree in Chemistry from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ – Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro). Master and PhD in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro). Full Professor at the School of Chemistry/UFRJ, in the area of Management and Technological Innovation. Coordinator of the Centre for Industrial and Technological Studies (NEITEC), of the Extension Project “Catalysing Circular Economy” at the School of Chemistry/UFRJ and Vice Coordinator of PROFNIT- Professional Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer – Focal Point UFRJ – Specialist in Technological Roadmap, Circular Economy, Energy Transition, Technological Prospecting and Innovation, Industrial Studies and Strategic Planning.


eBook: Circular Economy: a new mindset on sustainable development

The concept of Circular Economy, which is the central theme of this book, is based on the preservation and increase of natural capital by controlling finite stocks and balancing the flow of renewable resources. Both sustainability and Circular Economy concepts go together and share the objective of mitigating the negative externalities mentioned here.

The strategies to find the possible answers go through several actions. An economic model that implies changes in the way of thinking and acting in a society requires the training of people and professionals focused on its application. The publication of this book was a way of delivering the results of this work to the society, placing its individuals as agents of social transformation.

In this context, the chapters are varied purposefully, so that topics pertinent to Circular Economy can be discussed, but not consolidated in one work alone so far. If we strive for a more resilient economy, a fairer society, and a healthier environment, walking the path is needed. We hope that this reading can elucidate the subject and awaken a critical sense of what attitudes or strategies can get us started.

The book aims to reach from readers specialized in the subject, professors, high school students, undergraduate and graduate students, to the curious, beginners in the world of Circular Economy and new business models.

E-ISBN 9786560960060







20 de março de 2024





Sumário Introduction (Suzana Borschiver/Aline Tavares/Silmara Furtado)
1. What is a Circular Economy? (Suzana Borschiver/Aline Tavares/Renata Bandarra)
1.1. References
2. Circular Economy and learning sources (Suzana Borschiver/Aline Tavares/Renata Bandarra)
2.1. MOOCs
2.2. TED Talks
2.3. References
3. Circular Economy and players around the world (Suzana Borschiver/Aline Tavares)
3.1. References
4. Circular business models (Suzana Borschiver/Aline Tavares)
4.1. Product as a service
4.2. Sharing
4.3. Circular inputs
4.4. Resource recovery
4.5. Extended service life
4.6. Virtualization
4.7. Final reflections
4.8. References
5. Reverse logistics in the Circular Economy (Suzana Borschiver/Aline Tavares)
5.1. References
6. Industrial symbiosis in the Circular Economy (Suzana Borschiver/Aline Tavares)
6.1. Is it possible to implement this model in Brazil?
6.2. Final reflections
6.3. References
7. Application of chemical leasing towards Circular Economy (Silmara Furtado/Suzana Borschiver/Aline Tavares)
7.1. Monitoring based on articles
7.2. Usefulness in the market
          1. ECOLAB and Knjaz Milos
          2. ECOLAB and Hotel Windsor Atlântica
          3. Diversey Eastern and Central Africa and Crown Beverages Limited
          4. Safechem Umwelt Service GmbH, PERO AG and Automobiltechnik Blau
7.3. Final reflections
7.4. References
8. Biotechnology and Circular Economy (Fernanda Cardoso/Suzana Borschiver/Aline Tavares)
8.1. Circular design and reverse cycle
8.2. Reverse cycle
8.3. New business models and reverse cycle
8.4. Enablers and Favourable System Conditions and reverse cycle
8.5. Final reflections
8.6. References
9. The energy sector in the Circular Economy (Fernanda Cardoso/Suzana Borschiver/Aline Tavares)
9.1. Reverse cycle
9.2. New business models
9.3. Reverse cycle and new business models
9.4. Reverse cycle, new business models and Enablers and Favourable System Conditions (EFSC)
9.5. Final reflections
9.6. References
10. Creative economy in the fashion field and the Circular Economy (Raquel Gomes/Suzana Borschiver/Aline Tavares)
10.1. Breaking paradigms in the fashion industry
10.2. Final reflections
10.3. References
11. Circular Economy and the chemical industry (Suzana Borschiver/Aline Tavares)
11.1. Final reflections
11.2. References

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Etiquetas: eBook: Circular Economy: a new mindset on sustainable development, eBook Circular Economy, new mindset, sustainable development, Circular Economy, Circular, Economy, eBook Circular, eBook Economy, mindset, sustainable, development, Suzana Borschiver, Autor Suzana, Borschiver, Suzana, autora Suzana Borschiver, autora Suzana, Aline Tavares, Autor Aline Tavares, Aline, Tavares, autora Aline, 9786560960060, eBook 9786560960060